Home Jersey 2006 Barbados 2006 Speech Day & Ball SGC Class of 74 George and Rita Lanzarote Again Jamie - yr 8 Skiing Xmas 2005



























October half term was spent at the Fort de France Spa in St Helier recharging our batteries                                                                                      ................Click here



Summer hols in the West Indies on Barbados - a relaxing time. Jamie spent time in the teen club so we hardly saw him. He learned to water ski (well) as did Jane. We generally chilled and toured the island sights. Enjoy the photos ................Click here


TMS Speech Day and Leavers Ball

Jamie's last day at Tockington Manor school was prize Day followed by the Ball. Jamie won a special Art prize and the Drama award togrether with a lifer award for being there since the age of 2! The year 8 leavers are allowed to go to the Friends of Tockington Manor Ball ( which Peter helps to organise) ..................click here


Peter's School reunion

Approx 50 of Peter's classmates from 1974 at  St Georges College gathered at the Old Boys clubhouse to celebrate their 50th birthdays. Some of them had not met up fro32 years! Dinner was served, champagne drunk, seventies music played and the party went on till the next day. ............................................... click here



George and Rita Anniversaries in  March

George and Rita celebrated their Diamond wedding Anniversary and even got a telegram from the Queen. Then Rita celebrated her 80th Birthday - unfortunately from a hospital bed!  ...............................................................  click here


Lanzarote Again

Jane and Jamie jetted off for a short break to Lanzarote with Jamie's cousins Gareth and Rhiannon  .............................................................click here



 For the third year in a row Jamie has won gold at the IAPS judo championships held at High Wycombe. His school finished 6th out of 28 ( Jamie was their only competitor). Jamie won the best rugby player award at school and was awarded colours for rugby and football     .............................................................. click here



   Skiing January

The Smiths joined 45 other pupils staff and parents going to Les Deux alps in France. Plenty of  fun and falls!



        Xmas 2005 / New Year 2006

Celebrated in the Thomas household in York and then out at the Chinese restaurant






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