
Home Up Jersey 2006 Barbados 2006 Speech Day & Ball SGC Class of 74 George and Rita Lanzarote Again Jamie - yr 8 Skiing Xmas 2005




































































Travelling to the resort                                     The view from the bedroom




The mountain ski runs                                                             Icicles dangle overhead





  The shops by night  




Taking to the ice gliders on the ice rink





The fireworks as Jane braves the pool to swim outside!!!




At the ice caves                                                    Jamie with our ski instructor





 Jamie (blue hat) and his mates                                     Pete's mates?????





 The intrepid three musketeers





Uncanny resemblance to Jane and her skiing ability




Home | Jersey 2006 | Barbados 2006 | Speech Day & Ball | SGC Class of 74 | George and Rita | Lanzarote Again | Jamie - yr 8 | Skiing | Xmas 2005